Top tips for travelling with your Dog.

Top tips for travelling with your Dog.

Want advice about travelling with your dog read on. There is now a greater expectation that our dogs should be able to travel with us wherever we decide to go. A trip to the beach, a staycation, day out or simply a trip into the local town. There are an increasing number of local businesses and locations that welcome our dogs with open arms. However it isn't universal, it is vital to be prepared when travelling with your dog. Meaning you avoid disappointment or awkward situations. 

Below are DotDotPet's top tips for travelling with your dog to ensure a super happy fun day out or holiday! 

Do your research.

  • There are some fantastic resources available containing databases of dog friendly travel location such as DogFuriendly and Pets Pyjamas. It is well worth doing your research on these before heading to a new location.
  • Check the weather. Brits love nothing more than an excuse to check weather apps. When travelling with your dog it vital to understand likely conditions. If it is in the middle of a summer heat wave you may need to reconsider whether taking your dog with you is the right thing.
  • Questions to ask
    • is there going to be sufficient shade?
    • access to water?
    • will they need to be left in car at all?
    • how far are you planning on walking and on what surface?
If you cannot answer any of the above or guarantee you can keep your dog cool it would be better to organise alternative arrangements. Heatstroke can be deadly for dogs, more information can be found here. Equally if the weather is looking likely to be wet make sure you have adequate drying paraphernalia for both you and your canine companion. Things like DotDotPet's Eco Towels are ideal for muddy days out or dog friendly holidays.

Prepare for the public.

  • Planning a day out to a busy location with large numbers of people? Ensure you are able to keep your dog calm and reduce the stress during the day. Be prepared with lead and harness to keep you dog safe and under control. Consider an emergency back up lead just in case of breakages. Fines can be harsh for out of control dogs, government advice on this can be found here.
You must have plenty of poo bags to hand  plus favorite treats available to positively reward them. Like people not all dogs are comfortable in crowded conditions. Ensure you can find quiet spaces to let you dog chill out with a plentiful supply and access to drinking water.

Travel safely.

Traveling by car? Your dog must be properly restrained in line with the requirements of the highway code. Factor in plenty of stops at least every 2 hours with the opportunity to have a drink and stretch legs. If your dog suffers from travel sickness it is best to speak to your vet for specific advice.

Does the journey involve public transport? Your dog must be under control at all times. Be conscious of other travellers and follow the rules of the particular vehicle you are on. Detailed information can be found here

Watch out for dropped food. Often when we take our dogs on a day out it will involve a picnic, pub lunch or some street food. This will be the highlight of the day for our dog. However please keep an eye out for what your dog may be eating from the ground. Ingesting the wrong thing could have expensive consequences.

Dropped food to be particularly aware of: 

  • Chicken Bones. These can splinter causing a choking hazard or cause a nasty mouth injury
  • Corn on cob. If swallowed can cause intestinal blockages and are also a choking risk
  • Wooden cutlery. Same as small bones these can splinter causing both a choking and internal injury risk
  • Chocolate. Contains theobromine which is in higher concentrations the darker the chocolate and is toxic to dogs 

It is a good idea to have your dog's favorite treats available. Such as DotDotPet's Multifits to distract them from the treasures they may find on the floor! More and more local cafe's and restaurants will be happy to serve you a doggy ice cream, beer or pawseco! 

Holidays and days out are no doubt more fun when our dogs are involved. Being fully prepared will help you avoid any unnecessary stresses. Hope you have found these travel tips helpful, feel free to share if you have. 


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